presented by Thomas J. Jordan, MSFS, CEPA, CVBA on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 10:00 AM CDT
Many business owners don’t want to fully-retire; they’d be bored. They’d miss their work relationships and worry how they would maintain their lifestyle if they sold their business. There’s no need to feel that pit in your stomach when you think about how you’ll exit your business. You don’t have to feel this way!
This webinar focuses on the stark realities that many business owners discovered all too soon. Their dreams of a 90 day close with an all cash and no earnout result turned out to be a unique event, not the norm.
In the exit planning world there are many options to consider for every owner as they begin to plan. The Half Retire option is rarely discussed nor considered. Until now. Join us for an action packed 45 minutes and discover a 6 stage planning path that very few business owners have ever seen.
If you prefer, sign up for a Free Half Retire Discovery Session first, and I will share some tips and advice on how to decide if Half Retire could be your exit strategy for the near future.
Schedule a Call TODAY to Learn More About the Workshop!
- The 44% Rule and why your business is worth MUCH more as a going concern
- 7 Mindsets you must adopt to successfully Half-Retire
- The 6 steps to create a personal Half -Retire Blueprint
- How business owners are keeping their income, ditching the stress and headaches, and working 2 half-days a week and taking month long vacations.
Don’t miss this action packed 45-minute webinar. It may change the way you are growing your company. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. REGISTER NOW!